Leadership & Academic Mentorship Program

The Leadership & Academic Mentorship Program (LAMP) provides an inclusive and welcoming community for all students.

Students in first or second year can request an upper-year peer mentor from their faculty or program and are kept up-to-date on events, programs, and academic deadlines throughout the year. LAMP Mentors provide academic and social support to offer a successful transition to and through university life.

LAMP is a university-run group led by upper-year students designed to help you...

  • Make connections with other students
  • Connect you with a student mentor
  • Learn about the services at Western
  • Build lasting friendships

LAMP mentors are high caliber student leaders representing all faculties who are carefully selected and extensively trained. All LAMP mentors have personal experience as a Western student and are sensitive to the challenges students face.

Why sign up for a LAMP mentor?

Are you going into your first year at Western and are anxious about meeting friends or learning about the resources and supports available to you?

Are you going into your second year and are anxious about course registration or unsure of your module requirements or what electives to take?

Do you wish you could talk to an upper-year student who has been through the process before?

Well, have no fear! The Leadership & Academic Mentorship Program is here to support you!

Sign up to be notified when registration opens for 2024-2025!


Email us at lamp@uwo.ca.