Academic Accommodation

What is Academic Accommodation?

Academic accommodation consists of arrangements that allow a student with a disability a fair opportunity to engage in academic activities and fulfill essential course and program requirements.

Accommodation does not remove essential requirements of a course or program. It does not fundamentally alter content of exams, standards for assigning grades, or requirements that students independently demonstrate their knowledge of course material.

The following are examples of potential accomodations:

  • Access to alternative format textbooks (e.g., electronic, Braille)
  • Access to accessible versions of powerpoint slides and other documents on course websites
  • Use of sign-language interpreters in class
  • Use of an FM system in class
  • Permission to tape record lectures
  • Writing exams in a quiet location
  • Use of extra time when writing exams
  • Use of assistive technology when writing exams (e.g., a computer equipped with specialized software)
  • Use of an assistant in labs

An accommodation is a response to unique challenges that a student faces given his or her disability and particular program requirements. Because of the individualized nature of accommodation, students and prospective students are encouraged to meet with an Accessible Education Facilitator to obtain information about specific accommodations and services that may be available to them.

How Do I Request for Accomodation?

If you are a student on main campus, or at Brescia or Huron University College's, please review our registration process.

If you are a student at King’s University College, please contact the team located at King's: 519-433-3491 (ext. 7800) or

What Else Do I Need to Know?

  1. Please note that students who meet with an Accessible Education Facilitator after classes have begun may be unable to write fall exams with accommodation. Similarly, students who first meet with a Facilitator after October (or February) may be unable to write December exams (or April exams) with accommodation. Please contact us for specific deadlines.

  2. Students must inform their Accessible Education Facilitator of any changes to their course registration (including changes to sections of a course) so that the Facilitator may recommend accommodations for the correct courses. Students should make a note for themselves to contact their Facilitator in December or January regarding any changes to second term courses.

  3. Accommodations that Western will provide may differ from accommodations that students request or have used in high school or at other educational institutions. Our recommendations are based on consideration of a student’s experienced difficulties and history using accommodations, information from disability documentation, information concerning course requirements, and our experience with assisting students by arranging various accommodations and related services.

  4. Prospective students are encouraged to meet with one of our Facilitators to find out the types of accommodation that we would recommend for them before making their final decision about attending Western. To provide this information, we would need documentation concerning the individual’s disability.